The story of two young men who lived in Viborg, a small town in Denmark, both with the same name – Thomas Andersen. They had never met until one night in October, thirteen years ago, when one Thomas Andersen ended up trying to run over the other one in his car. One Thomas ended up in a coma, with no memory of the night. In this documentary he returns to Viborg to shed light on the darkness of the past – and to find Thomas Andersen again.
The Double is among the winners of the 2016 Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Competition
Thomas Arent Andersen was born on December 22, 1983, in Viborg, Denmark. He is a graduate of The National Film School of Denmark and has worked professionally with audio and sound design on documentaries and feature films since 2008. In November 2015 Thomas debuted as a podcast producer with his own personal story, The Double.
In 2016 Thomas produced another podcast for Third Ear about a former Danish police officer gone rogue and is currently working on several new documentaries.
You can hear more from Third Ear on Radio Atlas here.
This podcast was made in collaboration with the Danish newspaper Politiken.