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An interview with a writer called Writer veers into dangerous territory.

Produced by Katharina Smets for VPRO (20th February 2015)

This was the third part of a series called ‘Detroit Detour’, produced in collaboration with the musician Inne Eysermans for VPRO in the Netherlands. The series was made possible by the support of the Dutch Cultural Media Fund.

Still Glowing Strong

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A tender documentary about love, invention and a light that hasn’t gone out. Produced by Sindre Leganger for NRK (26th April 2014)

From the light of the stars overhead, to the constant mysterious glow of a bulb in 87 year old Harald Brobakken’s apartment, Sindre Leganger’s documentary explores ideas of invention, love and imagination with extraordinary tenderness.

Still Glowing Strong received a Special Commendation at the Prix Europa in 2014. It was edited by Erki Halvorsen and coached by Kari Hesthamar.